Usergroup Munich: May Meetup


This is a German-language event. The topic descriptions have been translated.


Automated Acceptance Tests Based on Playwright (Peter Schuler)

With test frameworks based on Playwright, for example, CMS instances can be tested so easily that continuous delivery can be made possible with relatively little effort. The acceptance tests are a supplement to the unit tests and functional tests of the extensions, which do not focus on a single component, but on the entire system instance and the specific customer data. The presentation shows a compilation of test options and tools that have ultimately led to automated nightly updates.

Solr in TYPO3: More Than Just Searches (Stephan Salzmann)

In addition to the usual free text search, Solr in TYPO3 can do much more: Stephan shows us dedicated Solr plugins for the output of defined data from the Solr index, special Solr indexers and even more mischief with Solr during integration.

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