Regular Open Sprints

Get more done together in open source. In the TYPO3 community, we recommend working together in regular open sprints. This concept was introduced in 2019 by the TYPO3 Association. 

The idea behind "combined sprints"

In the past every team had its own (mostly invite-only) sprints. But for many projects, bringing teams to work together is more effective. For example to work on the website: the design team, server team and the website team harmonize well. So that's why we encourage teams to organize combined sprints towards shared goals. And even when teams are working on different projects, being in the same space at the same time helps teams mingle, share ideas, and participants can meet new people. 

Stefan Busemann

Any qustions? Get in contact.



  1. Help teams to meet at one location and join forces. 
  2. Provide a location and accommodation for teams from the regular open sprint budget.
  3. Make it easier for interested community members to get involved - onboard them when they want to sneak into a team.

Teams can prepare collaborative agendas for regular open sprints, but they can also just share a sprint location. Even when they aren't directly working on the same project, they can get together and share the same space. It is always inspiring when people see what other teams are doing. It's a great way to get new ideas and creative solutions. And of course, these kind of sprints are also open for everyone who wants to contribute to the project. For example, to improve documentation, create content, create a patch, do a review, and to meet others in the community.

We will discuss and create the release materials for the upcoming TYPO3 v13 LTS release on 15 October 2024 and talk about how to include local communities better into our efforts. 

The first day will focus on creating the release materials and communication surrounding the upcoming TYPO3 v13 LTS release in October. Additionally, we will devote the second day to strategizing on how best to integrate local communities into our initiatives, recognizing the invaluable role they play in fostering broader engagement and enriching the TYPO3 ecosystem. By fostering closer collaboration and inclusivity, we aim to empower local communities to actively contribute to the success of TYPO3, thereby fortifying its impact and resonance across diverse geographic and cultural landscapes.

Previous TYPO3 (and/or marketing) knowledge is preferred. Please register here:

You Can Meet:

  • Florian Froidevaux
  • Luisa Faßbender

Accommodation Düsseldorf

For our sprints in Düsseldorf we do have special rates in a hotel.


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